Chapati eating his cheese
Little Murtabak chewing on his favourite dragon soft toy!
I am pleased to report that I successfully...albeit after a small road bump in November last year when I bought 2 stretchy dresses from Cotton On on the account of my growing belly (Murtabak was on his way to us), have not bought any clothes for myself since December 2015! 2015! I broke my clothes buying ban in January 2017 so all in all I did not spend any money on buying clothes for 14 and the half months if you count half of September 2015 and October 2015. But I am happy with 13 months!
The 2 dresses which were my undoing...)
I am so excited that I actually managed to do this! I didn't think it was possible to not buy any new clothes. That is not even the best part of it! In reflection, I realised that when I stopped buying clothes, I also stopped buying a lot of other things that came with shopping in general. The impulse buys, the lipstick that you just got to have, the latest gadget that makes life easier, that pretty double walled mug, the lock & lock plastic containers that just happened to be on 50% sale, the latest shade of eye make up (which is really similar to the one I currently have....) that really cute notebook that costs a bomb (RM45!), the Innisfree green tea seed serum that is on promotion, the must-have nude pair of high heels to match my office outfits, the designer handbags that I have always wanted is on 70% sale!!!...Ok ok I am sure you get the picture. There is just so many opportunities to spend money needlessly. The reason I can name specific items is because this year, I broke my clothes buying ban on a massive scale and that is a post for another time!
Emergency Cash Fund
To start with, Hubby and I did not have an emergency cash fund. Shocking right? Everything we earned monthly was channeled into investments in property and Hubby's laundry business and then into bills, eating out and stuff for the kids, general groceries...etc. We didn't have a lot of liquid cash as we thought that if there was an emergency we could utilise our credit cards. So we made a conscious decision to build an emergency cash fund. Our plan was pretty loose and we didn't really have a figure in mind but this is what I did.
1) Pay off all my credit cards debt in full first
2) Transfer RM 3,250 every month into a separate savings account
3) Pay off monthly bills, housing loan, car loan, insurance, our parents....etc
4) Spend carefully throughout the month
5) Transfer whatever remaining money we have into the savings account mentioned in 2)
6) Transfer any bonuses that I received from my job, ang pows received for the kids during Chinese New Year, Hubby's additional business income into the saving accounts mentioned.
Voila! We are so happy that we now have an emergency cash fund! This is pure funds set aside and not touched for anything. Our investment funds are different. Now that we have done this, we have now planned and set some goals to accumulate a more significant emergency cash fund by end of 2017! Another post coming up soon I guess? :)
Credit Cards Paid In Full
For years, both Hubby and I have always had credit card debts. The banks have certainly made a lot of money from us in the interest that we have paid so far. It is easy for my credit cards to get out of control and accummulate more than RM10K of debt in the past. A little purchase here, a little purchase there and suddenly I owe the bank quite a few thousand ringgit. With today's rising cost of living, the danger of credit card debt is ever present and imminent if you are not intentional about this.
I have always wanted to clear all my credit cards since 2014 and have working towards it, however in 2016, I have consistently paid off my credit cards in full! Now we have to work on Hubby's cards. :) How did I clear my credit card? Wow, now I have more stories to tell!
Opportunity to invest in Bitcoins/Cryptocurrency
I started researching and reading up about Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency since end 2015. Instinctively, I knew it was something that we could diversify into but the concept was challenging to grasp. I then immersed myself into the tech community who was more than welcoming to a newbie and have since become a staunch supporter of cryptocurrency.

Sense of Achievement and Peace of Mind
The sense of achievement and satisfaction is really a fantastic feeling. Really how many new clothes do I actually need? The better question is how many different clothes do I actually wear? Looking at my clothes cupboard, it is packed full of clothes that I have not touched in years...some of them 10 years or more! I kept wearing the same ones over and over again. I realised that I had too many clothes and would just pull the recent ones that I had been wearing before.
I also came to understand that clothes were not a priority to me. Of course I believe in being presentable and appropriately dressed for any occasion but I didn't have to buy a new dress every time! Watching our savings account grow was more satisfying knowing that we were focused on a goal.
Renewed Hope and New Possibilities
The experience of being credit card debt free is empowering and gave me great peace of mind. I realise that there are other more important things in life than just shopping for something. I could pursue other interests and even business possibilities. I am excited that I could be doing new things this year like travel more...a lot more! Home school the boys and spend more time with them, blog more, start a new internet business, make my own natural products with Ameo essential oils, serve in church, mentor, help and inspire others to be financially wiser, start my edible garden, give time and money towards the community around us and share the many possibilities,
Their first visit to the beach! Tough trying to get both of them to smile and look at the camera!
Do you have a success story to share about unique knock-on effects of achieving a goal you set out to accomplish?
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