Anyway, I was just thinking about the new year. It alwasy brings hope and excitement. From the numerous messages and well wishes from friends and acquaintances on whatsapp to videos and facebook postings of "Happy New Year 2015!" Wishes of health, prosperity and happiness...advice on leaving the old and embracing the new, exhortations to make every day count, blessing and abundance...
Cute advice from Dr Seusse (posted by a friend)
Flight advice from an uncle that starts like this:- (The rest of the message was too long so won't bother to post it here)
The Boarding on Flight 2015 has been announced Your luggage should only contain the best souvenirs from 2014 ..... The bad and sad moments should be left in the Garbage. The duration of the flight will be 12 months.
So, tighten your seatbelt...etc...
So, tighten your seatbelt...etc...
But the best one that I liked the most was this picture.
I really thank God for the opportunity to start a New Year, walking in his ways and his promises. I know that He has so much in store for us.
Hubby and I have been spending some time talking to each other and asking questions, throwing ideas about what we were looking forward to this year. Somehow or rather it was difficult for me. I thought and thought but somehow they were all not quite there. What to do, being the super kiasu person and wanting to have everything and every base covered, I struggled to decide on how I was going to move forward this year.
I did decide thought to read to Chappati 1 Proverb and 5 Psalms every night and I started yesterday. Just before putting him to sleep today, I picked up my phone and starting reading to him again. He then went to sleep and I came out to write. I really felt that I needed to write, wanted to write...then a word came to me INTENTIONAL! Bible reading really can inspire I tell you!
So I have decided that this year I WILL BE INTENTIONAL vs living life on autopilot. Whatever happens this year, I pray that I will be intentional about everything and that God will give me the wisdom and strength to walk through the year ahead, to be a blessing to those around me and grow in my relationships. Whether at work or at home, with friends, family and loved ones...I will be intentional.
Many say that this year will be the most difficult year yet. So to start, I will stand on His promise and declare in my life and family the following from Jeremiah 29: 11-13

Blessed New Year 2015 to everyone!
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